Robot that Traverses a Maze and Carries a Freight

Electronics and Controls (fall 2022)

The Project:

Build something that traverses over an unknown maze.

  1. After completing the first challenge, your robot must visit the freight terminal, where it will be given a payload. Your robot will then deliver the payload to the drop zone.

Body of the Robot:

I used MakerCase to create the body of the robot and laser cut it out of plywood and acrylic. Used found supplies from the maker space to make up the rest of the robot.

Motor and Controls:

Used two motors connected to a raspberry pi to drive the robot forward.

Connected a push button to the robot that when pressed it turns 90 degrees.

  • Basically the robot will run straight into a wall, the button will get pressed, it will turn 90 degrees adn go straight until it hits another wall and thats how will get through the maze.